Cooking with the Chans

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Within 24 hours upon arriving in Cambodia back in October 2011, my husband and I met the Chans (but there was no baby Elijah yet).  Since that day, we have grown closer to each other through church, board games (SETTLERS!), and of course FOOD! Also, our children were born within 2 weeks of one another so we enjoyed many play dates with one another. We are so thankful for the Chans who helped us figure our way around Phnom Penh. They became one of our best friends during our time there and have been so blessed by their friendship.

Before I left Cambodia, I offered to shoot some family photos for this wonderful family.  They wanted me to shoot photos of their family in their home in Phnom Penh, doing “everyday” activities. I LOVEd this idea- as special as big moments like weddings and birthdays are, there is so much beauty and value in our “normal,” “everyday” lives.  One thing to know about them is that this family really enjoys cooking! Nathan himself used to be a chef and director of a catering business- I’m sure their son will be experiencing and enjoying many moments like this as he grows up!

I loved being able to “peek” into the home of the Chans and show you all a snippet of their lives.  Enjoy!

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